
As a Christian living in an environment that often feels like some kind of alternate reality, paradox is a part of my existence. It is my hope to speak honestly as I share my observations of this crazy world.

A little bit about me:

* I am a singer, songwriter and music educator, working as a professional since 2004.

* I’m married to Ted Beam, my best friend, humble leader, and musical collaborator.

* I am the mother of two amazing boys, who bring me deep joy and rock my world daily.

* I am a homeschool mama, constantly challenged and inspired by learning alongside my boys and students.

* I believe in the 5 Solas:  Scripture Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, & To God Alone Be Glory.

* I love to cook ridiculously fancy, gourmet food from scratch.

* I am a rehabilitated christian-mystic.

* I love to travel, and try new and crazy things. Next on my list: Japan.

* I now live in Sacramento. I have also lived in Los Angeles, Tennessee, Monterey, New York, Louisiana, New Jersey, Germany, Kentucky, Berkeley & Missouri.

* I tend to ramble. But if you hang around, you’ll figure that out yourself šŸ™‚

3 thoughts on “About

    1. I love that you are asking me this question šŸ™‚ I like to say that I am a “closet Lutheran,” although I attend an Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and feel fairly at home there. I do consider myself to be more aligned with Lutheran doctrine, and particularly love the way they accept the mystery of God. When people feel the need to go beyond the text with human rationalization, I think they can stray from God’s Word. Are you a Lutheran? Thanks for reading my blog, and the blessings of Christ to you!


  1. Your article on christian mysticism just helped me more than I can even say. I am a recent christian convert from the demonic new age and I had no idea that some of the things I was still doing like automatic writing was not in Christ but deception. THANK YOU so much sister for sharing your story


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